The Meaning of Transits:
Astrology involves an understanding of a combination of individual energies, and as such, the meanings provided may not always hold true. Sometimes, we need to understand a greater picture of what is going on. Bad experiences may not happen, but if they do, it is important to learn from them.
The moving planets continuously form angular aspects to the fixed position of your natal planets during your life. When specific angles are created, this forms the basis for personal forecasting. The angles used are actually harmonic ones, and the most commonly used angles are the conjunction (zero degrees), the sextile (sixty degrees), the square (ninety degrees), the trine (one-twenty degrees), and the opposition (one-eighty degrees). There are lessor used angles such as the semi-sextile (thirty degrees) and the quincunx (one-fifty degrees).
I’ve been mentioning recently certain transit conditions and how they might be affecting me. I don’t often look at my transit chart as I feel that one shouldn't become obsessed with what may happen in the future, because life can be boring if it is made immutable! However, as I’m examining my feelings and experiences to the world, I’m paying more attention than usual.
Tonight when I started this entry, I noticed that the chart for 11:45 PM for August 27, 2007 is quite lit up with a grand square, mystic rectangle and of course numerous oppositions. With most of the challenging planets being the inner planets and the beneficial aspects occurring with the outer planets, this might indicate that anyone born with this chart could experience a number of everyday challenges yet have the capacity for spiritual evolvement.
When I look at my transit chart for the 27th, I see that a new mystic rectangle is formed with Venus replacing the Sun and the Moon is conjoining Neptune, so instead of feeling estranged from my family, I called my son and spoke for a while earlier today.