Monday, October 1, 2007

Wacky Conspiracy Theories

One wonders what backy most of the wacky conspiracy theorist’s are smoking to come up with what are so many unfounded perceptions of significant events that are essentially myths. I'd like to examine some of the astrology charts of these whining conspiracy theorists, as I'm sure one will find some consistent answers there.
People with wacky perceptions would most likely have Neptune stressed in their chart yielding a senseless imagination and social convention. As a lower octave of Neptune, Venus could be included into the mix as well. In addition, such loveless individuals prefer to spread hatred of certain mainstream members of society, particularly those on the far left and right.
I figure that someone with Neptune square Venus would epitomize a loathing of others they disagree with, using conspiracy theories to further their aims. It’s a shame because they are avoiding the karmic debt of learning how to love, express this love, and not expect love in return.
There are many sites listing wacky conspiracy theories, and a good counter to these is:
The 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

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