Another experiment carried out by H. F. Harlowe, involved placing infant monkeys in cages with surrogate mechanical mothers, one hard metal machine providing sustenance, and a soft terrycloth mother providing no sustenance. The monkeys unanimously sought the comfort of the soft mother.
The point of mentioning this is that I’m particularly concerned about the societal effect of an ever burdening population and the resultant additional effect on global pollution. Have you noticed that there is little mention of population when talking about the political phrase of "Global Warming". Even if it is brought up, advocates of western change mention that Americans use 17 times as much as someone in a third world country. Of course they don’t take into account that someone in a third world country is cutting down trees and shrubs to exist and reducing the oxygen release.
By the way, I’ve planted a dozen trees on my tiny parcel here in Southern California, mainly fruit trees—even along the sidewalk!
I’m dismayed that religions encourage large families without the use of any birth control and wish that we could become more focused on how much we can save rather than how much we can earn, as well of course on becoming more spiritually aware without the dogma of misinterpreted biblical scripts.
I suppose you have to be a bohemian to escape the present rat race. A strong placement or aspect with the planet Uranus in one’s chart may depict this trait—which I have.
See also my original discussion on Global Warming.